Interreg Cooperation Day with Ukraine!

Interreg Cooperation Day with Ukraine!

On October 2nd, Head of Managing Authority of Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine joined EU officials and programme structures representatives from other Interreg programmes involving Ukraine, at a special webinar celebrating Interreg Cooperation Day in Ukraine.

 Organized by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the support of Cities4Cities United4Ukraine, the event highlighted the impact of cooperation projects implemented in Ukraine.

This event provided a meeting frame to exchange insights on the future of the Interreg and Interreg NEXT programmes (Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine, Interreg NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine, Interreg Danube Region, Interreg Europe). The discussions emphasized the importance of enhancing cross-border and transnational cooperation, ensuring stronger and more sustainable regional development.

During the event the large infrastructure project #BRIDGE funded by the ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 was showcased -