Four large infrastructure projects have been approved for financing under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020

The European Commission approved four large infrastructure projects submitted for financing under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020. The total value of the projects amounts 21.2 million Euro, out of which 17.5 million Euro represent EU contribution.

The Managing Authority fulfilled the two-stage approval process for the large infrastructure projects submitted under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020. As all requirements have been met, the European Commission approved the following four projects:
Main list:
1. Improvement of the population safety and security level in the cross-border area by enhancing the joint training and cooperation actions in emergency management;
2. Clean River;
3. Regional cooperation for prevention and fighting of cross-border crime between Romania-Ukraine.
Reserve list:
1. Cross-Border Health Infrastructure.
Considering the limited financial allocation for the large infrastructure projects within this operational programme, the reserve project can be contracted provided that the European Commission rejects a project from the main list. Currently, the European Commission has not expressed an official position considering this issue.
The Improvement of the population safety and security level in the cross-border area by enhancing the joint training and cooperation actions in emergency management project is a continuation of the activities financed by means of Romania-Ukraine-Moldova trilateral programme and consists of: modernization of the State Department for Emergency Situations in Cernivtsi, building a training facility for emergency situations in Suceava, modernization of a training center in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) and building a helicopter landing platform in Suceava.

The activities of the projects will be carried out within 36 months from the contracting date.