For Applicants

 Questions and answers during the calls of proposals

Please note that in the interest of equal treatment of all the Applicants, the Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat or the branch offices of Joint Technical Secretariat cannot give prior opinions on the eligibility of the applicant or its Partners, of the project or of the specific activities.

According to the Annex H.1 Indicative list of potential Applicants and Partners (per Priority) to the Guidelines for grant applicants, the potential applicants and partners for the Priority 4.1 – Support to the development of health services and access to health are:

-National /regional/local public administration and other public institutions

-National/regional/local/ institutions acting in the field of health and social policies;

-NGOs, universities and research institutes;

-Professional medical and other relevant associations.

-Please note that the cross border impact of the project must also be demonstrated within the Application Form and is going to be evaluated during Step 2 (technical and financial evaluation).

-Moreover, the project must address the Programme expected result, and bring clear and feasible contribution to the achievement of Programme Result and (common) Outputs indicators.

-For the complete framework of the eligibility requirements, please consult the sections 2.2 Applicants and Partners. Eligibility requirements, 2.3 Partnerships. Eligibility requirements, 2.4 Projects and Activities. Eligibility requirements, 2.5 Costs. Eligibility requirements of the guidelines for applicants.