12 HARD projects selected after the technical and financial evaluation

The projects submitted under Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 Joint Operational Programme have undergone the administrative and eligibility check. Out of the 197 projects submitted, 32 HARD projects and 105 SOFT projects have been selected for technical and financial evaluation.

Suceava JTS is hiring

The Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Suceava is currently looking for candidates to fill in the following job positions for supporting the activities of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Ukraine 2014 - 2020:

Cross Border Health Infrastructure, the first financing contract signed under Romania-Ukraine Programme

The first financing contract has been signed under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020, for the Cross Border Health Infrastructure project.

The first step of the HARD projects evaluation has been completed

The procedure for the first step of evaluation for the HARD projects applications has been completed.The 35 projects with an infrastructure component of at least 1 million Euro, submitted under the HARD call for proposals completed the administrative and eligibility check and the applicants have been informed about the results of this step.

Four large infrastructure projects have been approved for financing under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020

The European Commission approved four large infrastructure projects submitted for financing under Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020. The total value of the projects amounts 21.2 million Euro, out of which 17.5 million Euro represent EU contribution.

JTS is hiring monitoring and implementing officer

The Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Suceava is currently looking for candidates to fill the following job position for supporting the activities of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Ukraine 2014 - 2020:

For applicants: tutorial for uploading clarifications

In order to assist the applicants, the Joint Technical Secretariat of Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020 has prepared a video tutorial to provide details on how to use EMS ENI when clarifications are required by the projects selection committee, during the evaluation process. The video can be found at http://ro-ua.net/en/communication-en/multimedia.html

196 projects submitted within Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation programme

The calls for proposals launched within Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020, having as deadline May 2018, totalised 196 projects submitted by potential beneficiaries from the eligible border areas from both partner states.

Projects evaluation within Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme

The evaluation and selection of the projects submitted within 2014-2020 Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme will be carried out by a Project Selection Committee set up for each of the launched calls for proposalas. The Committee includes representatives of both partner countries and is supported by independent assessors.